Sep 24, 2022Liked by Dominique Alicia

Thank you so much for this Dommy!! Its always such a pleasure to read your words XX a couple of mine below.

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How do you turn power and greed, into healing and love

How do you convince people to trade their obsession for the screen to spending their time gazing above

How do you teach adults that play is important

How do you change the system so it truely nurtures our sons and daughters

How do you shift perspectives when it comes to our future

How do you create equality and balance in a world built upon hierarchy and order

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What are the birds saying when they sing their songs

What does the wind whisper through the trees that stand strong

What kind of stories are washed away with the rivers flow

What sacred information does our land want us to know

What would our elders say if we gave them a voice

What would life be like if we never robbed them of their choice

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Why is a crooked letter and you should know better

Why did they always tell me that as a kid

Why did the adults try to silence me when I would question things

Why wasn’t I allowed to know

Why didn’t they want to tell me

Why did it always feel like I was on the outside of some secret society

Why is what they don’t want to hear when they want to keep the truth hiding

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