Oct 5, 2022Liked by Dominique Alicia

Oh Dommy - this was such a divine read!!! What an experience you had with the playlist, I giggled when you said about having to actually feel the emotion, I can ABSOLUTELY relate to this haha!!! Like, can I just create the magic and do the work without all the feeling 😂 I feel big things are coming for you from the depths of your emotional space though! Transmuting the oceanic depth within you, into intimate art that our world needs ♥️ it’s an honour to witness you in this way Dommy, thank you so much for sharing this vulnerable and fertile space XX

P.s mannnn the Aussie heat is INTENSE haha you described it perfectly! 🌞

I have mine below...

The sweet taste of marshmallows from the fire,

On a cold winters night;

The feeling of being snuggled up in the swag,

Under the silver moon light;

We wake with the birds,

As they sing their morning songs;

“I’ll pop on the billy” he says,

“It won’t be too long”;

The billy begins to whistle,

As the winter sun begins to rise;

The river starts to dance,

As the fog and sun intwine.

My steaming cup of coffee,

Feels warm within my hands;

The frosty night still lingering,

As my toes touch the sand;

These moments by the river,

On this beautiful winter day;

Are what I will remember,

As my body begins to decay.


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